Our Mission
Veterans are considered a minority in America. The One Team One Mission (OTOM) objective as an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is to provide financial support to veterans and active military personnel, with a specific focus on minorities within the veteran population.
Historically, minorities, whether veterans or not, have not had the same financial opportunities for the American dream as non-minorities. OTOM fully intends to promote that change. The financial support will consist of grants for down payments on homes and small business startup costs.
Home and business ownership are two highly viable means for building generational wealth. Grants, by definition, do not require repayment. The only agreement for an OTOM grant is that the recipient, at some point per their discretion, will consider donating to the OTOM foundation to help sustain the mission. OTOM will solicit private and corporate donations to fund the mission.

Founder Message
"OTOM was founded on my desire to increase inclusivity and decrease divisiveness. People are people, and there is only one difference between all of us. It’s not race, religion, politics, sexual orientation, or any other category we are so fond of placing one another. I’ve traveled, worked, and lived in many places in America and around the world. I experienced four years of active duty including a WESTPAC deployment to the Philippines, Korea, and Japan. It didn’t take long, especially during my deployment on the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea, to realize everyone is essentially the same.
Our only true differences are our individual experiences. Whether black or white, urban or rural, blue or white collar, military or civilian, domestic or international, we all want the same thing. A decent life with food, clothing, shelter, and certainly the unwavering support and love of our family and friends. More than anything else, we want acceptance. Accept me for who I am, my current skill set or lack thereof, my race, religion, politics, sexual orientation, etc. Simply stated, OTOM strives to achieve peace and prosperity for all."
Steve Rellinger
One Team One Mission Founder